Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dolphins and God

Earlier this week, Monday I think it was, I dreamt of Dolphins. I was on a beach somewhere, not sure where, but the water was clear and the sand was white. I remember having this feeling of peace in the dream. I remember smiling, and feeling like, at that moment, everything was ok. The first Dolphin that appeared was a normal looking one. You know, kinda blue'ish grey. I approached her and put my hand out to let her know that I meant no harm. The oddest thing happened. She opened her mouth and began to lick me! I mean really lick me!! like a puppy would lick his owner! It was soooo wierd! But it made me even more comfortable with her. If I had to make a connection between the licking and my walking life, I would compare it to my love for animals, dogs especially. I love dogs more than any animal and therefore, I believe that it was my own conscious minds way of telling me, " Don't be afraid, it's ok".  Soon after my encounter with the first dolphin, another appeared. But this one was purple and looked more like a dog than a dolphin! For whatever reason, my "dream mind" identified her as a dolphin, no matter what i thought she looked like....I tell you, sometimes our minds can have a mind of their own! Anyway, there wasn't too much more to the dream after my meeting the second dolphin, it just kind of faded out. I woke up and began getting ready for work not remembering the dream at all. While I as on my way to school, I just so happened to look over to my left into the car next to me and BAM!! just like that I remembered my dream! There was a small blue dolphin hanging from the rearview mirror of the car that I looked over into. I couldn't believe it! And if you know me, you know that I believe in signs, and that God speaks to us in many different ways; dreams, symbols, our own bodies, other people ( believers and non believers).... so this was no different, this was  MOS DEF a sign of some sort. I immediately started to google dreams, and dolphins, and what does a dolphin symbolize and anything else that I could think of that would get me an answer, ( yes all while driving!! bad habit- please don't text and drive )  This is what I found out-
To see a dolphin in your dream, symbolizes spiritual guidance, intellect, mental attributes and emotional trust. The dream is usually an inspirational one, encouraging you to utilize your mind to its capacity and move upward in life. Dolphins represent your willingness and ability to explore and navigate through your emotions.
To see a dog in your dream, symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. The dream suggests that your strong values and good intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and bring you success. Alternatively, to see a dog in your dream, indicates a skill that you may have ignored or forgotten.
Purple is indicative of devotion, healing abilities, loving, kindness, and compassion. It is also the color of royalty, high rank, justice, wealth and dignity. 

My thoughts: I have a mission and a purpose in this world. Honestly, for about 6 months now, I've been sort of neglecting my calling. Not completely, but most of the time. It is my belief that if you're not giving it your all, you might as well not give anything. And this is what I was doing. Giving a little here, writing a poem there, speaking life into a dead situation whenever it was convienent for me. God did not like this. But my mind, or better yet, the enemy's mind, said ' You're too tired to write tonight Maurisha", " Don't worry about it, God's not mad at you", - and I believed him. I allowed him to trick me into believing that God doesn't care if we don't give our best! But He DOES!  He expects nothing less! And so that is just what we ought to do! GIVE OUR ALL AT ALL TIMES!!
This dream told me that God still hasn't given up on me. That no matter how far I drift away, He will find a way to remind me of whose child I really am! That He has a plan and a purpose for my life, and I WILL fulfill His Will, even against my own!
And so on an ending note- I hope that this was a reminder to you, just as it was to me, that God hasn't forgotten. That He wants to do something with and in your life, if you allow Him to.

Remember to watch for the signs- They might be your next direction, in the right direction!

Love Maurisha Nicole.

1 comment:

  1. Very insightful, inspirational and motivational! Definitely a self check is always needed. I guess I'll have to start looking up what my dreams mean...that could be scary LOL!! have a good one..keep'em coming..
